Song Posters
For this personal project, I was playing around with Adobe Illustrator and created some really nice shape effects, which I then applied to some songs that I had been listening to at the time I was designing. I created the 3D shapes on Adobe Illustrator and then added the typography on Adobe Photoshop.

Having only experimented with Adobe Illustrator a handful of times before this personal project, I had a lot of fun playing around with creating different 3D shapes. I started by drawing a simple shape on a blank canvas, and then played around with the different effects, such as the 3D tool and then Inflate. With this effect, I could then change the shadow and highlights, as well as rotating the shapes to create different angles. I also played around with different colour palettes, and also added a range of colour halftone effects and blur effects to help add texture. In Photoshop, I added the blocky typeface underneath each design with the name of the song, artist and album, helping to tie all of the pieces together and create a cohesive tone of voice throughout the different designs.