Final Destination 6
For another aspect of the editorial and advertising module, I created an advertising movie poster for the newer Final Destination 6 movie - I focused on a limited colour palette and detailed linework to capture an eerie tone of voice that reflects the tone of the movie itself.

To create this movie poster, I initially focused on creating some really detailed linework, using varying brush thickness to help create depth to the piece, by using thinner brush strokes to create shading. I also added a lot of details throughout the illustration, such as the designs on the tarot cards and the flaming tree in the background. For the colour palette, I took inspiration from a range of non-representational colour option seen throughout other movie poster designs that I researched, and decided that a bright pink / purple worked well with the combination of blue tones I chose as well. I added a combination of brush tools to create an illuminate effect in the background in particular, helping to add furhter light and shade to the illustration overall. I finalised the illustration by adding typography of the title of the movie, and a tagline for the movie itself - since the release date of the movie hadn’t been released at the time of creating the illustration, I also added a ‘coming soon’ addition to the poster as well, which also helped to break up any negative space in the piece as a whole.