A Night to Remember
Exploring new techniques in Adobe Photoshop is something that I like to experiment with in my personal time - particularly to produce lyric designs of some of my favourite songs. This particular design represents ‘A Night to Remember’ by Beabadoobee and Laufey.

For this graphic design exploration, I experimented with different graphic design techniques that I hadn’t looked at before, particularly using the Liquify tool. I chose one of my current favourite songs to explore as a basis of inspiration, and then played around with composition, colour and texture to create this final graphic design. I used the Liquify and Field Blur tools to create the swirly design within the title of the song, as the song itself, if I could visualise it as a specific thing, then it would be cigarette smoke in a speak-easy bar, which is the effect I tried to replicate within this graphic design exploration. I also added the singers to the top and bottom of the piece, slowly fading out as this helps to break up the contrast between the text and the background. The use of the Liquify, Gaussian Blur and Noise tools in the background helps to create an interesting juxtaposition with the foreground - I finished this piece by adding the shining star details, as this helped to create a more interesting final look to the piece, and represented the ‘night-time’ aspect of the song. As a whole, this is a graphic design piece that I am really happy with, and contains techniques which I hope to explore further in the future.